Use shorthand flex utility classes to manage the layout, alignment, and size of Chi components.
To enable flex, apply a flex display utility class. This will transform your element into a flexbox container and its direct children into flex items.
<div class="-d--flex"></div>
<div class="-d--inline-flex"></div>
Target specific breakpoints with Display reponsive classes.
Use direction utilities to define how items will be placed in flex containers.
Use .-flex--row
to display items horizontally. In most cases this class can be omitted as it is the browsers default behavior.
<div class="-d--flex -flex--row">
<div>Item 1</div>
<div>Item 2</div>
<div>Item 3</div>
Use .-flex--row-reverse
to display the items horizontally in reverse.
<div class="-d--flex -flex--row-reverse">
<div>Item 1</div>
<div>Item 2</div>
<div>Item 3</div>
Use .-flex--column
to display items vertically.
<div class="-d--flex -flex--column">
<div>Item 1</div>
<div>Item 2</div>
<div>Item 3</div>
Use .-flex--column-reverse
to display the items vertically in reverse.
<div class="-d--flex -flex--column-reverse">
<div>Item 1</div>
<div>Item 2</div>
<div>Item 3</div>
Target specific breakpoints with Direction reponsive classes.
Use justify-content utilities to alter the alignment of flex items on the main axis.
<div class="-d--flex -justify-content--start"></div>
<div class="-d--flex -justify-content--end"></div>
<div class="-d--flex -justify-content--center"></div>
<div class="-d--flex -justify-content--between"></div>
<div class="-d--flex -justify-content--around"></div>
Target specific breakpoints with Justify content reponsive classes.
Use align-items utilities to alter the alignment of flex items on the cross axis.
<div class="-d--flex -align-items--start"></div>
<div class="-d--flex -align-items--end"></div>
<div class="-d--flex -align-items--center"></div>
<div class="-d--flex -align-items--baseline"></div>
<div class="-d--flex -align-items--stretch"></div>
Target specific breakpoints with Align items reponsive classes.
Use align-self utilities to alter the alignment of individual flex items on the cross axis.
<div class="-d--flex">
<div class="-align-self--start">Aligned Item</div>
<div class="-d--flex">
<div class="-align-self--end">Aligned Item</div>
<div class="-d--flex">
<div class="-align-self--center">Aligned Item</div>
<div class="-d--flex">
<div class="-align-self--baseline">Aligned Item</div>
<div class="-d--flex">
<div class="-align-self--stretch">Aligned Item</div>
Target specific breakpoints with Align self reponsive classes.
Use wrap utilities to define how flex items wrap in a flex container.
<div class="-d--flex -align-items--start -flex--nowrap" style="height:116px;width:224px;">
<div class="-d--flex -align-items--start -flex--wrap" style="height:116px;width:224px;">
<div class="-d--flex -align-items--start -flex--wrap-reverse" style="height:116px;width:224px;">
Target specific breakpoints with Wrap reponsive classes.
Use align-content utilities on flexbox containers to alter the alignment of flex items together on the cross axis.
<div class="-d--flex -align-content--start -flex--wrap">
<div class="-d--flex -align-content--end -flex--wrap">
<div class="-d--flex -align-content--center -flex--wrap">
<div class="-d--flex -align-content--around -flex--wrap">
<div class="-d--flex -align-content--between -flex--wrap">
<div class="-d--flex -align-content--stretch -flex--wrap">
Target specific breakpoints with Align content reponsive classes.
Use the .-flex--fill
class on flexbox items to display as equal widths while taking up all available horizontal space.
<div class="-d--flex">
<div class="-flex--fill">Item</div>
<div class="-flex--fill">Item</div>
<div class="-flex--fill">Item</div>
Target specific breakpoints with Fill reponsive classes.
Use the .-flex--grow*
class to toggle a flex item's ability to grow and take up all available space.
<div class="-d--flex">
<div class="-flex--grow1">Item</div>
Target specific breakpoints with Fill reponsive classes.
Use the .-flex--shrink*
class to toggle a flex item's ability to shrink when its size is larger than its container.
<div class="-d--flex">
<div style="width:100%;">Item</div>
<div class="-flex--shrink1">Shrink Item</div>
Target specific breakpoints with Shrink reponsive classes.