Text Input

Text inputs are used for inputting single line text data.


To render a text input, apply the class a-input to an input type="text", input type="password", input type="email", etc.


<input type="text" class="a-input" placeholder="Placeholder">


<input type="text" class="a-input" value="Sample Text" disabled>

With Label

<div class="m-formGroup -labeled">
  <label class="a-label" for="example">Label</label>
  <input type="text" class="a-input" id="example" placeholder="Placeholder">


To add icons to a text input, wrap the input in a div using the class a-inputWrapper. Next, add the icon as a sibling of the input and utilize an icon alignment utility class (e.g. -icon--left) to specify where it should be placed.

Left Aligned

<div class="a-inputWrapper -icon--left">
  <input type="text" class="a-input" placeholder="Placeholder" value="Sample text">
  <div class="a-icon -text--muted">
      <use xlink:href="#icon-edit"></use>

Right Aligned

<div class="a-inputWrapper -icon--right">
  <input type="text" class="a-input" placeholder="Placeholder" value="Sample text">
  <div class="a-icon -text--muted">
      <use xlink:href="#icon-edit"></use>

Left + Right Aligned

<div class="a-inputWrapper -icon--left -icon--right">
  <input type="text" class="a-input" placeholder="Placeholder" value="Sample text">
  <div class="a-icon -text--muted">
      <use xlink:href="#icon-edit"></use>
  <div class="a-icon -text--muted">
      <use xlink:href="#icon-check"></use>


Text inputs offer three validation states: -success, -warning, and -danger.


<input type="text" class="a-input -success" placeholder="Placeholder" value="Sample Text">
<div class="a-inputWrapper -icon--right">
  <input type="text" class="a-input -success" placeholder="Placeholder" value="Sample Text">
  <div class="a-icon -text--success">
      <use xlink:href="#icon-check"></use>


<input type="text" class="a-input -warning" placeholder="Placeholder" value="Sample Text">
<div class="a-inputWrapper -icon--right">
  <input type="text" class="a-input -success" placeholder="Placeholder" value="Sample Text">
  <div class="a-icon -text--warning">
      <use xlink:href="#icon-warning"></use>


<input type="text" class="a-input -danger" placeholder="Placeholder" value="Sample Text">
<div class="a-inputWrapper -icon--right">
  <input type="text" class="a-input -danger" placeholder="Placeholder" value="Sample Text">
  <div class="a-icon -text--danger">
      <use xlink:href="#icon-circle-warning"></use>


Text inputs supports a full spectrum of sizes: -sm, -md, -lg, -xl. The default size is -md.

<input type="text" class="a-input -sm" placeholder="Sample Text">
<input type="text" class="a-input -md" placeholder="Sample Text">
<input type="text" class="a-input -lg" placeholder="Sample Text">
<input type="text" class="a-input -xl" placeholder="Sample Text">

Floating labels

Floating labels are a solution to keep the placeholder visible when no label is attached to the input. Chi supports floating labels for -lg and -xl inputs. This component requires JavaScript to add/remove the -active class whenever the input focuses or is not empty.

<div class="a-inputWrapper -floatingLabel">
  <input class="a-input -lg" type="text" id="floating-label-lg">
  <label for="floating-label-lg">Placeholder text</label>

<div class="a-inputWrapper -floatingLabel">
  <input class="a-input -xl" type="text" id="floating-label-xl">
  <label for="floating-label-xl">Placeholder text</label>
<div class="a-inputWrapper -floatingLabel">
  <input class="a-input -lg" type="text" id="floating-label-lg">
  <label class="-active" for="floating-label-lg">Placeholder text</label>

<div class="a-inputWrapper -floatingLabel">
  <input class="a-input -xl" type="text" id="floating-label-xl">
  <label class="-active" for="floating-label-xl">Placeholder text</label>