
Use shorthand color utility classes to quickly apply or remove colors.

Icon color

Change icon colors with contextual classes.

Brand #

Brand icon colors reinforce Lumen's brand. Use primary and secondary as accents, and dark, grey, and light as neutrals.

Semantic #

Use semantic text colors to communicate meaning to users. Examples include displaying alerts, form field validation, user status, application state and more. Use green (success) for positive, blue (info) for informative, red (danger) for negative, yellow (warning) for needs attention, and grey (muted) for neutral. Semantic colors should never be used for decorative purposes.

Brand complimentary #

More icon colors that can be used to compliment the primary brand palette.


Define background-color classes using the format -bg-{breakpoint}--{value}. Breakpoints supported are sm, md, lg, and xl.


More background-colors that can be used to compliment the primary brand palette.

Color ClassValueResult
-bg--primarybackground-color: #0075C9
-bg--secondarybackground-color: #38C6F4
-bg--blackbackground-color: #000000
-bg--whitebackground-color: #FFFFFF

Brand complimentary

More background-colors that can be used to compliment the primary brand palette.

-bg--navybackground-color: #083176
-bg--greybackground-color: #3F4145


Neutral background-colors provide low-contrast backgrounds for application containers, cards, and more.

Color ClassValueResult
-bg--grey-20background-color: #EDF0F2
-bg--grey-15background-color: #F4F5F6
-bg--grey-25background-color: #DADEE2
-bg--grey-30background-color: #D0D4D9


Use semantic background-colors to communicate meaning to users. Examples include displaying alerts, form field validation, user status, application state and more. Use green (success) for positive, blue (info) for informative, red (danger) for negative, yellow (warning) for needs attention, and grey (muted) for neutral. Semantic colors should never be used for decorative purposes.

Color ClassValueResult
-bg--successbackground-color: #007E44
-bg--success-lightbackground-color: #DBFAEE
-bg--success-lighterbackground-color: #F1FEF8
-bg--infobackground-color: #0075C9
-bg--info-lightbackground-color: #F5F9FC
-bg--info-lighterbackground-color: #E0F3FF
-bg--warningbackground-color: #A15C00
-bg--warning-lightbackground-color: #FAECD9
-bg--warning-lighterbackground-color: #FFF8ED
-bg--dangerbackground-color: #D62015
-bg--danger-lightbackground-color: #FFE8E5
-bg--danger-lighterbackground-color: #FFF5F5
-bg--mutedbackground-color: #53565A
-bg--muted-lightbackground-color: #EDF0F2
-bg--muted-lighterbackground-color: #F8F9F9


Use to render an element with no background-color.

Color ClassValueResult
-bg---bg--nonebackground-color: none

Target specific breakpoints

To target a specific breakpoint, add the breakpoint abbreviation to the class.

Visible only from sm
Visible only from sm
Visible only from sm
Visible only from sm
Visible only from sm
Visible only from sm
Visible only from sm
Visible only from sm
Visible only from sm
Visible only from sm
Visible only from sm
Visible only from sm
Visible only from sm
Visible only from md
Visible only from md
Visible only from md
Visible only from md
Visible only from md
Visible only from md
Visible only from md
Visible only from md
Visible only from md
Visible only from md
Visible only from md
Visible only from md
Visible only from md
Visible only from lg
Visible only from lg
Visible only from lg
Visible only from lg
Visible only from lg
Visible only from lg
Visible only from lg
Visible only from lg
Visible only from lg
Visible only from lg
Visible only from lg
Visible only from lg
Visible only from lg
Visible only from xl
Visible only from xl
Visible only from xl
Visible only from xl
Visible only from xl
Visible only from xl
Visible only from xl
Visible only from xl
Visible only from xl
Visible only from xl
Visible only from xl
Visible only from xl
Visible only from xl

Responsive background-color examples #
