

Supports Virtual Elements: YES

This is short hand for an if binding that looks at length

<!-- ko any: value -->
show only if there are items
<!-- /ko -->


Name Type Default Description
value array | observable array undefined If there are items in the value the contents are shown


Supports Virtual Elements: NO

Used to display notification to the end user that an action is taking place. Mainly used in conjunction with remote validation.

<p data-bind="asyncMessage: trueFalseObservable" />
<!-- with options -->
<p data-bind="asyncMessage: { value: trueFalseObservable }" />


Name Type Default Description
value observable boolean undefined should a validating message me shown
validating html string | observable html string checking availability... HTML to be displayed when value is true
valid html string | observable html string available HTML to be displayed when value is valid


Supports Virtual Elements: YES

Prints the object out on the console. should only be used when debuging.

<!-- ko console: value --><!-- /ko -->


Name Type Default Description
value any | observable any undefined the object that is passed to console.log


Supports Virtual Elements: YES

This is short hand for an if binding that looks at length

<!-- ko empty: value -->
There are no items
<!-- /ko -->


Name Type Default Description
value array | observable array undefined If there are no items in the value the contents are shown


Supports Virtual Elements: NO

When the value is true the element will be slide down at the same time it is faded in. When the value is false the element is slide up and faded out.

<div data-bind="fadeSlide: trueFalseObservable" />
<!-- with options -->
<div data-bind="fadeSlide: { visible: trueFalseObservable }" />


Name Type Default Description
visible observable boolean false Should the element be visible
duration number 300 number of milliseconds for the animation to complete
afterAnimation function undefined Will be called after the slide fade animations completes


Supports Virtual Elements: NO

When the value is true the element will be faded in. When the value is false the element faded out.

<div data-bind="fadeVisible: trueFalseObservable" />
<!-- with options -->
<div data-bind="fadeVisible: { visible: trueFalseObservable }" />


Name Type Default Description
visible observable boolean false Should the element be visible
duration number 300 number of milliseconds for the animation to complete
afterAnimation function undefined Will be called after the fade animation completes


Supports Virtual Elements: NO

This is short hand for an attr binding that sets the href attribut

<a data-binding='href: model.url'></a>


Name Type Default Description
value string | observable string undefined url to place in the href


Supports Virtual Elements: YES

Will switch out templates based on the value, loading, and error properties. This saves you from having to write a bunch of if logic to pick the template you want to display. This binding is heavily used in the listview control

<div data-bind='templateSwitcher: { value: ArrayOrObject, loading: loadingProp, error: hasRequestErrored, templates :{ display:"templateName"} }'></div>


Name Type Default Description
value any | observable any undefined value that will be passed to the display template
loading boolean | observable boolean false when true the loading template is displayed
error boolean | observable boolean false when true the error template is displayed
templates.display string | observable string undefined will be called with value if error and loading are false
templates.empty string | observable string cyclops.templateSwitcherEmptyTemplate if value is an array and it is empty this template will be called
templates.loading string | observable string cyclops.templateSwitcherLoadingTemplate will be called when loading is true
templates.error string | observable string cyclops.templateSwitcherErrorTemplate will be called when error is true


Supports Virtual Elements: NO

Same as the knockout-validation validationMessage binding but has a nice animation when displaying or hiding the message.

<p data-bind="validationMsg: someValue" />


Name Type Default Description
value any | observable any undefined value that is being validated


Supports Virtual Elements: NO

Creates jQuery widgets based on the name and options passed in. This is relatively expensive so it should be used with caution but it can be very handy. Technically it doesn’t have to be a jQuery widget just a function that hangs off a dom node but it works best when it follows the jQuery widget conventions.

    <input type="submit" value="OK" data-bind='widget: "button"' />
    <!-- with options -->
    <input id='search' data-bind='widget: { name: "autocomplete", options: { source: searchCompletions(), delay: 500 } }, value: searchString' />
    <!-- enable or disable -->
    <input id='search' data-bind='widget: { name: "autocomplete", disabled: trueyOrFalsey, value: searchString' />


Name Type Default Description
name string | observable string undefined name of the widget or function
disabled boolean | observable boolean false calls the widgets disable funtion
enabled boolean | observable boolean false calls the widgets disable funtion with false and wires everything back up
options any | observable any empty object any options for the widget